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This week.....

Hello my friends.. 
A little Friday posting of mostly pics for you tonight.. 

We have had a week of coming and going and doing.. 
Come along and I will show you.. smile.. 
First of all on Monday Terry took me for a little day trip to Calais, Maine... 

As we passed by St. John we saw that there were 2 cruise ships in the harbour... 

We had a fun day and I noticed these seagulls as Terry was filling the tank with some cheaper gas.. 

They were all looking across the St. Croix River to Canada.. 
I guess Immigration was a bit slow that day.. grin.. 

Then on Tuesday we needed to go home again for the night.. 

The choke cherries are out in full force.. 
The Summer went so fast.. 

We also stopped at a veggie stand and picked up some basil that was all blossomed.. 
I had not seen it sold that way before.. 

Drying it out in the dehydrator... 
I think I will put the flowers in a potpourri.. 
What do you think?  

A pasture scene taken on the way back to the cottage.. 

I told you that I thought Terry should find me a nice one, eh?  


A beautiful day when we arrived back here.. 

Each evening we usually go for a little spin (as we call it)...

The wild rose hips are wonderful this year.. 
Everywhere you look on the side of the road they are growing.. 

Decided to make some lovely spiced..... 

Crab Apples... 

Oh my.. They are so good.. 
Although, they kind of burst a bit... 
Oh well.. They taste great and look lovely and red..

My fave Julia Child's recipe... 

Terry loves it too.. 

The most simple recipe but so much flavor.. 
A definite keeper and so nice to serve guests... 

Potato and Leek Soup... 
Find the recipe HERE

Gathering some wild cucumbers to dry for some potpourri.. 


Getting ready for my End of Season Closing Sale 
 Friday and Saturday... 
Sept. 21 and 22.. 10 am - 5 pm...

If you live nearby please drop in.. 
There are preserves galore, homemade salves, potpourris, and such.. 

20 % off of all crafts and olde stuff... 

We are located on Main Street in St. Martins, N. B. 

Well, sweet ladies.. 
This is  about all for tonight.. 

Terry and I have already gone for our little drive and bought a little treat at the Caves and  then we came home and made BBQ.. 
Another Date Night.. 

Summer at the cottage is almost over.. 
Another week and we will be heading home.. 

My poor man had a bad day yesterday.. 

I kept singing to him and for some reason he didn't seem to be enjoying it.. grin.. 
Don't you love that old song ... 

I Just Want to Go Home.. 

Have you all heard it? ?

You can find it on YouTube HERE... smile.. 

After the tenth time he asked me to give it up.. grin.. 
My friend told me she felt sorry for him for once.. 

You girls who have been following the blog for a bit know how I am...    eh? 
When it is time to go home ... sigh..
It is time to go home.. 

Have an awesome weekend my dears.. 
Chat with you all later... 

I know.. 
You are so glad you all don't live with me.. 

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