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Omaha: First Success - Point Du Hoc

The Rangers are beating seven bells out of the German defenders of Point Du Hoc.
Tom's Rangers finest hour....

German groups unable to coordinate against aggressive attackers not letting them disengage...
 Rangers amongst the trench line communications fire and manoeuvre to keep Jerry on the hop.
 Thirty Calibre Browning keeps scurrying Germans moving while Rangers catch up.
 Immediate task to investigate bunker complex.
 ...and cut Germans off from reinforcements...
 ...by pushing to the front of the battery position and blocking road movement.
 German gunners move to counter attack, although it isn't quite clear where the main point of effort of the US attack is coming from.
 60mm mortar sets up...
 Bunkers cleared...

 ...then bypassed to keep up the chase...
 Note the substantial wire. Protection from the front originally, but a hindrance to counter attackers. These enclose substantial mine fields.
 With the counter attack stopped in its tracks resistance from within the complex ends.
 ...survivors retreat...
 Smoke covers moving Rangers...but its all over for the Germans.
 While one Ranger is left baby sitting...
 The rest set up the road block positions...
and wait...

Ranger casualties are high but success is complete.

More follows.

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