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BA: Vindicators vs. Predators

My list is pretty much done.  I have solidified my HQ choices, my troops and my elite slots.  My plan for this weekend is to finish my 3 Baal Predators and incorporate them in every list I can.  I just love the look of the thing!  There's nothing more badass than a tank can fire spew out more ammunition than your opponents can handle.  Since my list is mostly mechanized, I need a Heavy support choice that can fit the needs of my army.  I'm talking about the Vindicator or the AC/LC Predator.

One one side, we have the Vindicator:  It can move 12" and shoot a S10 AP2 Large Blast Ordnance shot thanks to the Fast rule.  Remember what I said about S10?  S10 can threaten anything in the game.  When it's a 5" large blast template, the kill potential just goes through the roof.  When a demolisher shell lands on a group of marines, they just disappear.  Even with a 4+ cover save, you're going to be looking at a good amount of them dead.  Vs. vehicles, the S10 plus the Ordnance rule means you roll 2 dice for Penetration and take the highest result.  This means it has a 1/3rd chance to penetrate a Land Raider as long as it hits.  Considering the size of the thing, you have a 1/3 chance to roll a hit, give or take 2" on top of the BS4 scatter and you'll probably land a shot.  The Vindicator mauls lesser vehicles like a grizzly bear to a poodle though you should probably shoot at bigger, more juicier targets such as Nob Bikerz or Tyranid Warriors.  Anything that's T4 or T5 (or T4(5) bikes) gets instantly killed under the destruction that that the Vindicator can spit out.  Multi-wounds mean nothing and it's literally one of the only units in the game that threaten everything on the table.  Because of this well-known fact, it attracts a insane amount of attention of the battlefield; almost to a point where nothing else exists.

Let's look at the downsides of the Vindicator.  First, it has one weapon that matters.  Once that's destroyed, the Vindicator is pretty much useless.  The same result can be reached if you silence its guns by shaking it.  The good thing is:  If you're shooting at the Vindicator, you're not shooting at much else.  So how exactly is this a downside really?  Because once the main gun goes, it's a AV13 paper weight.  The threat goes way down for sure, but don't underestimate that angry gunless Vindicator ramming you from 18" away for a S10 hit.  Muhaha.  The other thing about the Vindicator is the 24" range on its main gun.  Though BA got it pretty good because their Vindies are Fast, but the range is still a limitation when compared to the Predator.  Last, the scatter can be a blessing or a curse.  I've had some piss poor scatter rolls in the past where my demolisher shell landed on some of my own guys.. but then again, I've also had some piss poor scatter rolls landing on top of my opponents' prized units.  With the 5th edition change to scatter, I've had much greater success with Vindicators than last edition overall.

So let's look at the Predator really quick.  More specifically, let's look at the Destructor pattern that I plan on taking: Autocannon main gun with Lascannon sponsons.  It comes at 135 points vs. the Vindicators 150 (145+Dozer Blade) so its slightly cheaper.  Due to the fact that it's also a Fast vehicle, it can move 6" and shoot all of its guns.  With a AV13 front, it acts a better version of long-range Dreadnoughts.  Looking directly at the weapons and nothing else, the first thing you'll notice is the consistent 48" range.  This pretty much means that the Predator can threaten things from anywhere on the board (note: anywhere is a lot different than anything).  Compare this with the 24" range of the Vindicator and you're literally looking at double the range.  The S7 Heavy 2 Autocannons are pretty crappy.. but they are pretty decent vs. AV10 and 11.  AV12 is a little bit of a stretch but that's what the two Lascannon sponsons are good for.  Two shots with S9 AP2 at BS4 means you have pretty formidable anti-tank and anti-heavy infantry.  When it comes down to putting wounds on a Monstrous Creature, the Predator has the Vindicator beat.  But when it comes down to raw killing, the Vindicator is noticeably ahead.  Another plus side for the Predator is that it comes with multiple guns.  It doesn't become completely neutered after a Weapons Destroyed result.

The downsides of the AC/LC Predator are pretty obvious:  It has less killing potential than the Vindicator overall and the S7 AP4 main gun doesn't really pose a threat.  The only thing that does real killing is the Lascannons, but you only get two shots with it.  This defect is mainly applied to its ability to shatter enemy vehicles but when shooting at MCs, putting more wounds on your target is always a good thing.  Another downside of the Predator is that it attracts almost no attention from the enemy.  Most of the time its sitting well out of engagement range so your opponents will concentrate more on what's coming towards him; the rest of your units.  This can be a blessing for your long-range Predators, but a serious bane to the core elements of your army.

A lot of things to think about.. but I think I'll be playing with two different lists over the next couple of weeks.  One of which will have 2x Vindicators and 2x RBs with TLACs.. the other will have 3x Predators with 2x RBs with TLHBs.  Since the best way to make a decision is to see the actual army composition, here are my two lists:

15 kp

Mephiston = 250

10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
5x ASM (RB/DB, PW/MB, Meltagun) = 145
5x ASM (RB/DB, PW/MB, Meltagun) = 145

2x Sanguinary Priests = 100

Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145

Predator (AC/LC) = 135
Predator (AC/LC) = 135
Predator (AC/LC) = 135


14 kp

Mephiston = 250

10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
5x ASM (RB TLAC, PW, Meltagun) = 180
5x ASM (RB TLAC, PW, Meltagun) = 180

Corbulo = 105
Sanguinary Priest = 50

Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145

Vindicator (DB) = 150
Vindicator (DB) = 150

Feel free to comment on my lists or give me advice.  Any feedback is strongly appreciated.  Thanks for reading.

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