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State of the Union 2014

As I type this I am thinking of a couple of different things. First off was my year in review (the last thing I wrote here) as well as how I'm actually blogging this post as we speak. Two totally different subjects but both illustrate how I need to get off my arse and start doing. I put that "arse" in there for you Spacejacker. 

Above you can see is the work I have cut out for me; the minis desk itself. Yeah, it's a mess. Not a good mess either, a very non-productive mess at that!  Before I get into the first projects of the terai need a snow shovel to clear this off with. Front and center though I spy a block of Dark Age figs that will make an appearance soon!

Here's my first project of the last two years pretty much. I'm going simple, just a box of Wargames Factory sci-fi greatcoats, and a platoon warbot. I also plan on a couple of IFVs and maybe a jeep or aerial drone...but first things first!  Are these for a specific game or purpose?  Nah, just minis that have sat around long enough and will serve as a good refresher course in how to paint minis. 

That's all I've got for now. This year I'm going to try and blog more, but also keep them short and sweet, minimal but still get across what I've got cooking. Until next time, enjoy!

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