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Berlin in Five Minutes - SWEET!

©Brigitta Huegel
Dear You, 
You came over by aeroplane to Berlin. You are in a hurry, maybe you have to attend a conference - so there is not much time for sight-seeing?
Here is my sweet solution!
In 1918 the family "Wilhelm Rausch jun." started to produce chocolate for their "Private-Confiserie". .  Just follow your nose - the scent of chocolate - and lots of people - hurry to the Gendarmen-Markt in Berlin Mitte. Open the door to the biggest chocolate shop paradise of the world.
And here you can see (almost) all important buildings in five minutes -  created in chocolate!

The Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche:  

©Brigitta Huegel

The Reichstag:  

©Brigitta Huegel

 The Berlin TV Tower: 

©Brigitta Huegel

The Brandenburger Tor:  

©Brigitta Huegel

But be careful and don't overeat, 

©Brigitta Huegel

though you might be tempted (this is only a little snippet of the truffle section): 

©Brigitta Huegel

The results of too much indulgence you see here - the Berliner Bär could not resist! 

©Brigitta Huegel

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain..."  

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