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TODAY'S FLOWERS # 421 - September 2nd, 2016

These are wildflowers I found at Huntley Meadows.  

(I don't know the name of this one, and am still trying to identify.)

Thank you to all who participate in this meme, and for every comment left.  They are all read with great appreciation.

(This is Lobelia cardinalis - Cardinal Flower.  You can read about it here.)

Today's Flowers opens on Friday at 12.00 a.m. and closes the following Thursday at 11.55 p.m.  We welcome blogging friends to add their favorite flowers during that time.  If you think you would like to participate you can read more information at this link

(Wingleaf Primrose - you can read more about it here.)

Today's Flowers was originally created by Luiz Santilli, Jr. Thank you Luiz!  I am now its host. 

I am also linking with the following memes as they become available, with my thanks to our hosts.  Please click on their names to visit other participants.

Nick at Floral Friday Fotos

Aquariann at Flower Friday

Pamela at Garden Tuesday

Ritta at Floral Passions

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