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Getting Up There

My sweet lil dog is getting old. We’ve been taking her to the dog park nearly every day for a number of years. She loves it so much. She is ball focused and never plays with other dogs except when they take her ball, at which point she dogs them around the park until they drop it and then she comes back.

She’s so incredibly feisty that she nearly always gets to the ball first no matter who is going after it. But lately she’s either worn herself out so much that she has to come home to sleep the rest the day or she runs after the ball and a leg will give out and she skids and rolls. And a few days ago she came home with a bad limp that hasn’t let up much. Nothing, and I mean nothing, stops this little dog.

Last week we just realized that it is taking too much of a toll on her old body. We left her home, standing at the back door, which is glass, staring at us with a look of betrayal. We took Scruffy up to the park for her fun and necessary exercise. When I got home, Sophie was on her bed in the living room. She did not get up to greet me with excitement and adulation as she does EVERY other time I walk in. She laid there and looked at me! I walked up, she smelled my hand and she turned her head. The uncomfortable feeling of guilt seeped through me and I can’t tell her it’s for her own good. My sweet little clown.

My old girl warming her bones in the sun 🌞 

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