Just as the seasons change, so do things in other areas of our lives. I am by nature quite resistant to change, but am recognising that change is not always a bad thing - just a new season.
How we homeschool is one of those things that is about to change radically. For 6 years we have used KONOS unit studies with our girls combined with a good dose of Charlotte Mason. Plenty of nature study and outdoor time, plenty of artist study, narration and composer study. All good things. But worry and concern has plagued my heart of late.
Firstly, our girls are outgrowing KONOS and I was not convinced that perusing the high school program was right for a family living in England. We have different criteria that need to be met should we wish to sit exams.
Secondly, our girls are growing up! They are no longer of elementary school age. As of tomorrow my 'little' one is 13. We now have two teenage girls in the home and their educational needs are changing. We feel that we want them to have the option of entering college or uni one day. They are both expressing interest in careers that will require them to have a school leavers certificate in order to study further. The problem is that after 6 years of diligently teaching our girls from a biblical worldview, and wanting to - needing to - remain true to our calling of raising Kingdom Children, I just could not reconcile myself to ditching all our values and embracing the British schools secular curriculum in order to 'jump through the necessary hoops'.
God is good and he knows our hearts. He has led us - through a wonderful friend - to the A.C.E curriculum (Accelerated Christian Education). Here in England A.C.E is overseen by CEE (Christian Education Europe), the distributor for A.C.E in Europe. Through CEE and using the A.C.E program, our girls will walk away with an International school leavers certificate which is accepted by colleges and universities worldwide. We will have met the worlds requirements but not compromised on a Christian education.
Of course it is not perfect. It means that I have to let go of my ideals of being a true Charlotte Mason homeschool. I can add elements of the CM method, but it wont be true to her philosophy.
It also means that I have much less control over what we learn. We follow the program that is set out. I think these two big changes to our homeschool was what put me off initially. But - we gain more than we loose, and life is full of compromising and as we grow change is inevitable.
So, our homeschool will look very different from now on, but I am happy that we have chosen to go with a curriculum and a provider who's philosophy keeps Christ as the centre and who's aim is to grow children in Godly character and wisdom.
**I'm over at Curriculum Choice today with a review. Why not pop on over and have a look?**
**I'm over at Curriculum Choice today with a review. Why not pop on over and have a look?**
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