06:00 Reaper
06:50 NCIS
07:40 Life
Reaper. Episode 2. It's a lot like Chuck, but it's so, so much better. There are a lot more laughs, and the whole set-up seems more genuine somehow. Sam, Ben, and Sock dress like giant condoms, this week, and go up against a Bad-Guy who controls lightning! Some good FX and a lot of laughs dominate the episode. Funniest part? Sam and Sock injure a hapless customer standing wa-a-a-a-ay in the background. Pow! Splat!
NCIS. Season 4, Episode 3. The coolest action show on TV delivers a nice mystery and lots of funny character playing around in this outing from early last season. A woman disappears, after being seen calling out for help from the back of a stolen car. The thief, by the way, didn't know she was there! Meanwhile, the team adjusts pretty well to having Gibbs back in control, and not at all well to his new mustache!! Funniest part? Ziva goes undercover as a bookworm at a speed dating night. Cote de Pablo looks so sweet & adorable, trying to look ... sweet & adorable for a change. Coolest part? Tony has a promotion but refuses it, and keeps it all a secret because... he wants to stay with Gibbs and the team. Awesome.
Life. Episode 2. Some okay elements (involving the characters) are let down by a really pointless story. The whole existence of this episode's investigation hinges on a girl who saw the murder, and even took a photograph of it, but decides not to tell the detectives who the killer is. Instead, she gives them... an elaborate clue. Then, at the end of the episode, our quirky hero confronts her about the elaborate clue and... she tells him who the killer is. What?! Nothing about this outcome makes sense to me, and I'm not inclined to watch any more episodes if the writers are just going to waste my time.
Highlight? NCIS.
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